trw.tRw^ffiH{tffie )FRW.il1EtrW.' I tffiF) t +tffiF ) 4 t + + ;={-ffiEEE-Hffi ( pietrich Bonhoeffer, 1e06re4s)Lkffifr1| )FRW.tr1HtrW.t ,Ufll , D])*.tflff# r ft ff wffir,ftFnE ffi fl'.]- ArtJ rfiftE' l-FIffitft{Jilt:li I t DI)*.t'si|1,:.1+ ' {4r ' rgf;g{flftAF'.])FRW'Wfr4tr+ tr! e t H n *[ ffi#EFl," m- ff ln ffift#;fr ft ft,fl)lll'fBRffi EfFWRq,BffiHR , D)&.fr-ft4{ffJ i'f,ifrliiJ: . ffifL{lU)y-,8g?4 #ls(n- E E FEtrH ffi F ffi y{ *,rrtt}+\trl\lJ,.l g -iffffi FEffi;={--nfr ' 4 H H r )l ',t::W.lHJ,\4\ v+tl llllftEF'!ftE 'lR" m= *Y'(t ffi iUY'l | )1",'it\ -t ' l il'[,ltl'[ul' I y]k r tr H I+ +,ft ff.Jftii,ffl' llj'fTlil'li li llljlUf/'Jtft,lE' H : $ 4iJi lir1 E fJ I' 'il"2'lt f'Uillll'tT2'1't/r'fut F'.1T EEEtH f EFlir 'f'li{a.$Jl'lil't: (1,i,('[,,rf m) +Eflf] t)F t-fuH " ffiv!*\|$J]# tr #xt l&lflt ffJI t ifttlftl,ff ,' lfii,1iiirlsltJ - frt | )F# 'ft irjilldI|i t^l^i {lrl"J'{JtH'j;fi fi"]EIHE W.WEtr ffi.t ,EfHliil l'ty.'lul' F! Jl'L[t {+E5',l'F fi frJ ' it fiHfi#EEtrH frl{J&l/[{,tfi,li&{ul,1,"[l ryi{ . g EE {4 I Abstract) "Non-Religious Interpretation of christianity" is an important theme of the late thought of Bonhoeffer and it also led to ambiguous understandings in modern era, therefore it is necessary to discuss some of the main subject-matters, such as the world of coming Age, This-worldliness, Non-Religious Interpretation of the Bible concept, and Reality, etc. to clarify the exact meaning behind the theme. In this paper, the first part is to introduce the development of Bonhoeffer's thoughts and its relevant background in this period, which lead to the definition of discussion methods. The next part begins to reflect the influence of liberal theology and dialectical theology on Bonhoffer and restates the problem of christology in a new perspective, through which to review the origin of the statement of "Non-Religious Interpretation of christianity". In the third part, the emphasis of the subject-matter turns to the concern in this world along with the same theme-Bonhoffer emphasizes the dimension of encounter between the reality of God and the reality of this world. In the fourth part, the topic will concentrate on the explanation from Bonhoeffer's important work "Letters and papers form prison". In the conclusion part, we will give two possible dialogue directions that could provide the open source of the thoughts of Bonhoeffer, and discuss two properties of transcendent faith and this-worldly concern in Bonhoeffer's thoughts. Key words: Religion; Non-religion; christ; Gospel; This-worldliness trw.tRw^ffiH{tffie )FRW.il1EtrW.' I tffiF) t +tffiF ) 4 t + + ;={-ffiEEE-Hffi ( pietrich Bonhoeffer, 1e06re4s)Lkffifr1| )FRW.tr1HtrW.t ,Ufll , D])*.tflff# r ft ff wffir,ftFnE ffi fl'.]- ArtJ rfiftE' l-FIffitft{Jilt:li I t DI)*.t'si|1,:.1+ ' {4r ' rgf;g{flftAF'.])FRW'Wfr4tr+ tr! e t H n *[ ffi#EFl," m- ff ln ffift#;fr ft ft,fl)lll'fBRffi EfFWRq,BffiHR , D)&.fr-ft4{ffJ i'f,ifrliiJ: . ffifL{lU)y-,8g?4 #ls(n- E E FEtrH ffi F ffi y{ *,rrtt}+\trl\lJ,.l g -iffffi FEffi;={--nfr ' 4 H H r )l ',t::W.lHJ,\4\ v+tl llllftEF'!ftE 'lR" m= *Y'(t ffi iUY'l | )1",'it\ -t ' l il'[,ltl'[ul' I y]k r tr H I+ +,ft ff.Jftii,ffl' llj'fTlil'li li llljlUf/'Jtft,lE' H : $ 4iJi lir1 E fJ I' 'il"2'lt f'Uillll'tT2'1't/r'fut F'.1T EEEtH f EFlir 'f'li{a.$Jl'lil't: (1,i,('[,,rf m) +Eflf] t)F t-fuH " ffiv!*\|$J]# tr #xt l&lflt ffJI t ifttlftl,ff ,' lfii,1iiirlsltJ - frt | )F# 'ft irjilldI|i t^l^i {lrl"J'{JtH'j;fi fi"]EIHE W.WEtr ffi.t ,EfHliil l'ty.'lul' F! Jl'L[t {+E5',l'F fi frJ ' it fiHfi#EEtrH frl{J&l/[{,tfi,li&{ul,1,"[l ryi{ . g EE {4 I Abstract) "Non-Religious Interpretation of christianity" is an important theme of the late thought of Bonhoeffer and it also led to ambiguous understandings in modern era, therefore it is necessary to discuss some of the main subject-matters, such as the world of coming Age, This-worldliness, Non-Religious Interpretation of the Bible concept, and Reality, etc. to clarify the exact meaning behind the theme. In this paper, the first part is to introduce the development of Bonhoeffer's thoughts and its relevant background in this period, which lead to the definition of discussion methods. The next part begins to reflect the influence of liberal theology and dialectical theology on Bonhoffer and restates the problem of christology in a new perspective, through which to review the origin of the statement of "Non-Religious Interpretation of christianity". In the third part, the emphasis of th

pdf文档 刘茵雅-非宗教的基督教-朋霍费尔晚期思想初探(朋霍费尔又译为潘霍华)

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