Table of Contents Preface to the Second Edition Section 1: Introduction to the Study of Missions Chapter 1: An Overview of Missiology Chapter 2: The Purpose of Missions Chapter 3: Missiological Method Section 2: The Biblical Basis of Missions Chapter 4: Mission in the Old Testament Chapter 5: Mission in the Gospels Chapter 6: Missions in the Apostolic Church Section 3: The Theology of Missions Chapter 7: The Missionary Mandate of God’s Nature Chapter 8: The Missional Church Chapter 9: The Missionary Motivation of God’s Salvation Chapter 10: The State of the Unevangelized and Its Missionary Implications Section 4: The History of Missions Chapter 11: The History of Missions in the Early Church Chapter 12: Medieval and Renaissance Missions (500– 1792) Chapter 13: The Great Century and Beyond (1792–1910) Chapter 14: The History of Missions in North America Chapter 15: Missions in the Twentieth and TwentyFirst Centuries Section 5: Applied Missiology Chapter 16: Culture: The Milieu of Missions Chapter 17: Cross-Cultural Communication Chapter 18: Indigenous Missions Chapter 19: Contextualization and the Missionary Endeavor Chapter 20: Missionary Call and Service Chapter 21: Traditional Religions: Primal Religiosity and Mission Dynamics Chapter 22: Eastern Religions Chapter 23: Understanding Islam Chapter 24: Contemporary Cults Chapter 25: Christian Theology of Religions Chapter 26: Introduction to the Strategy and Methods of Missions Chapter 27: Missions in North America Chapter 28: Strategies for Starting Churches Chapter 29: Women in Missions Chapter 30: Ecclesiology and Missions Chapter 31: Human Needs Ministries Chapter 32: Leadership Development in Missions Settings Chapter 33: Urban Missions Chapter 34: Business as Mission Chapter 35: Strategies for Ethnic Ministries Chapter 36: Spiritual Formation and Missions Chapter 37: Christianity in China Chapter 38: The Missionary Family Chapter 39: Spiritual Warfare and Missions Chapter 40: Missions in the Local Church Chapter 41: World Christianity Chapter 42: Finishing the Task: A Balanced Approach Bibliography Contributors Name Index Subject Index Scripture Index “Christ’s clarion call continues ringing out—‘Go into all the world and make disciples.’ Until Christ returns, there is no expiration date on the Great Commission. Current global crises require ongoing, substantive, and articulate analyses in order to insure that missionary theory and practice are biblically true. The Bible should define our theology, affirm Scripture’s prophetic voice, and critique our own or any culture, never the reverse. A myriad of kindred issues arise. We welcome this new edition of Missiology: An Introduction to the Foundations, History, and Strategies of World Missions. Professors, pastors, and students alike will be informed, enlightened, mobilized, and challenged by this text as Great Commission Christians continue engaging an increasingly dangerous world.” Keith Eitel, dean, Roy Fish School of Evangelism and Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary “Missiology: An Introduction to the Foundations, History, and Strategies of World Missions surveys the wide vistas and narrow tributaries of the Great Commission. From the Baptist perspective and beyond, the contributors chosen by Mark Terry represent a wide spectrum of scholarship and experience in missions. Any student of missions will be greatly aided by this expanded and updated edition of the 1998 textbook. I recommend Missiology wholeheartedly and without reservation.” Robin Dale Hadaway, vice president for institutional initiatives and professor of missions, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary “Missiologist John Mark Terry has performed a great service for the whole church by editing and updating Missiology: An Introduction . . . . This book helps to unravel the complexities of contemporary missiology in ways that enable evangelicals to rediscover biblical mission and, when necessary, refocus and redirect their missionary efforts. It deserves a wide and careful reading.” David Hesselgrave, professor emeritus of missions, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School “This updated version of Missiology constructs a biblical and theological foundation of missions, builds on insights from the history of missions, and practically applies these truths to various settings and contexts. This work is more than a missiology book, though; it is a “toolbox” compiled by missionaries, scholars, pastors, and denominational leaders

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